Q: Can I get my order shipped to the High School for my residential student?

A: Yes! To ship an order to the school, please use the school address below and address to the student and dorm location.

Student Name

412 Hale St.

Apt, suite, etc. (Dorm)

Prides Crossing, MA 01965

Q: I have placed an order, when will it be delivered?

A: Thank you for placing an order! The turnaround time is 2 weeks from store closing on the 15th. 

Q: Can I make a return?

A: Because all apparel is custom, Pierce Apparel does not accept returns.

Q: I ordered/received the wrong size/color, can I exchange my item for the correct size/color?

A: For High School school store inquiries email Caroline Knowles at store@landmarkschool.org for possible exchange.